Sunday, June 30, 2013

Home with Andrew (Fri.)

Andrew has been going back to the doctor every day since he was discharged, checking on the jaundice which has vastly improved, and today he was circumcised.  Poor little guy. He had a rough morning, but by the time we got over there this evening he seemed to be very comfortable.  Andrew slept while we ate dinner, then I got to hold him after Bridgette finished feeding him.  We left pretty early so the little family can hopefully get a good night's sleep.

A lot of our photos are on our new cell phones and I haven't attempted to download them to the computer, so this is what I have right now. 

In other news, we got the co-pilot window on the motorhome replaced today.  This is the window that shattered in Louisville.  Glad to have that off our to-do list.  John and Bridgette are moving next Thursday, so I'm thinking a new "to do list" is coming our way.

We have a very nice swimming pool here at our campground (actually, it has 3), so we have been able to take advantage of that a few times -- that is, before Andrew arrived.  Bridgette and John joined us in the pool, and Bridgette got some relief for her back just by the weightlessness of the pool.  But now it's been raining about every afternoon, so there's not been much swimming going on for anybody.  I know Phoenix is having extremely hot weather right now, so we are not unhappy to be missing that, but it is really hot and humid here, and often there are tornado warnings out near St. Petersburg.  I think those tornadoes follow me! 

We took a load of "stuff" down to their new place the weekend before the Main Event (Andrew's birth), and we passed this truck of snowmen.  A rather rare sight for Florida in June.  I think these people were moving too.

 John got a riding lawnmower for their new place -- a 5 acre ranch outside of Bradenton (they will have a Myakka City address).  I think Joe is looking forward to using that mower -- should bring back memories of our days in Terre Haute, Indiana.  Of course, he might have to fight John for that privilege because I think John is pretty excited to have the mower too. 

Once they get settled in, they will be bring their horse, Ocean, over to their property instead of boarding him, so that will hopefully make their lives a little easier. Their is a horse barn already on the property, and they are really looking forward to having all their animals at their house.

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