Sunday, May 24, 2015

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - new aquarium (5/21-23/2015)

I can barely remember  Tuesday, but I started doing some painting for them that day.  When they moved into the house, they painted all the rooms, but some of the trim needed another coat, so I had decided (or it had been suggested) that I would take on that task.  I didn't get it done, but I made a good start.  I got the kitchen and our bedroom done.

On Wednesday, I painted the trim in their bedroom, which had not been painted at all, so it required two coats.  But Wednesday's big event was that Bridgette brought home a 10-gallon aquarium that someone had given her, and they set up Andrew's first fish tank that night.  After dinner, off to the fish store we went, to get rock, structure, and FISH.  Andrew said he wanted red fish and white fish, so that's what we got.

By the time it was finished, he was pretty tired, but he was very interested in the process.

Thursday morning, the lawn mowing crew started early.

If he thinks it's time for his Grandpa to rise and shine, he gets his lawn mower going and runs up and down the hall with it.  He went off to daycare and I finished my project -- the last room to paint was the living room, and I got that done this morning.  Then Joe decided he would try to get a little mopping done so Bridgette didn't have to do that this weekend, so we both earned our keep today. 

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