Sunday and Monday, June 20-21. We made it to Tok on Sunday, continuing on the Al-Can Highway into Canada. The little creek at the campground we stayed at last night had brownish water running through it. The Milepost says the tea-colored water is the result of tannins absorbed by the water as it flows through muskeg. I don't know what tannins or muskeg are, but I thought this was interesting. This part of the drive did not offer as much scenery, and no wildlife for us, although Collins and Marilyn reported that they spotted a moose with a calf. There were some cuts in the highway through sand dunes, and a nice view of lakes in the Chisana River valley.
We arrived in Tok about 11:00 a.m., and booked in at the Sourdough Campground. David has been eager to try sourdough pancakes, so that was the deciding factor. Then we drove around, went to lunch, then stopped at the Visitor's Center and several gift shops. We did add to our wildlife collection -- we now have a moose. Cody and Kaylee -- we can't come up with a name for our new moose, so we thought maybe you two could name it.
We intended to head to Delta Juction on Monday, but it rained all night and well into the day, so Marilyn suggested we stay put for the day. Dave and Mazie had the sourdough pancakes for breakfast, but Mazie said they were overrated, so Joe and I went to Fast Eddie's for breakfast. Mazie and I found a beauty salon and got haircuts, and Joe shopped the Napa store. The crank on our tv antenna broke yesterday, so he was on the hunt for a replacement, but he ended up buying a small pair of vice grips to hold it together, and we can get by with that until we hit a big city.
Collins, Joe and I are booked on a tour up to Prudhoe Bay for Friday out of Fairbanks, flying up and riding back in a van. It's a 3-day, 2 night excursion. Joe and Collins have really wanted to make this trip, so we all hope it turns out to be a good one, because it was quite expensive.
Jeff, it's a good thing you bought a fishing boat, because Joe found one for you up here today. You still might want to consider it.
We played cards this afternoon, and I took a nap. We are planning on heading out in the morning for Delta Junction (105 miles), and Collins is hoping to get some fishing in up there. Hopefully, the rain is over.
Hey I like the new moose and I think you should name it priness