Sunday, May 12, 2013

Back Home in Indiana (Sunday)

We spent a quiet evening Friday night with Lucille, and on Saturday Joe installed an outside electric box so we could hook up the RV to electricity.   Fred and Judy came by for a while.  Of course, Joe had to make a trip to town for parts, but Mike stopped by with Clayton after Clayton's baseball game Saturday morning and gave him a hand, along with Fred.  Rachelle dropped Mallory off (Mallory brought me my girl scout cookies), then Jaclyn dropped Jayden off so we got to see some of the kids.  Of course, another trip to town was necessary before Joe could finish his project, but he did get it finished so we now have the RV hooked up to Lucille's electricity without running off of extension cords like we've done in the past.
We decided Bobe's Pizza was for dinner, so Lucille, Fred, Joe and I went into town to eat, then we played cards for a while after we got back to the house.  Judy had to go to work so she missed out on all this, and we settled for 4-handed euchre.  During the course of the evening, Mike, Rachelle, Clayton, Mallory, Jayden, and Jaclyn all stopped back by. The twins have basketball games this weekend so we haven't got to see Tom and Carmen and their family yet.

Sunday morning we filled the pew at church.  It was good that Mike and Jaclyn both brought their families because the only little kids that went up for the children's sermon were their 4.  We saw some familiar faces at church, then headed to town for Sunday dinner at Ponderosa.  After we all ate too much, Judy went to church, and Joe, Lucille and I all came home and took naps.  But Lucille didn't rest long, and was back to her favorite pastime of playing solitaire when I came back in from the RV.

There was a Canadian goose (only one) in the field behind the house when I stepped out of the RV this morning, and as we turned into the driveway last night, Joe had to miss a turtle, so wildlife still abounds.  Sunny but cool here, only in the 50s and pretty breezy.  It doesn't get dark here until after 9:00 p.m., so that's taking a bit of getting used to.  A chance of frost tonight, and many farmers already have their cantaloupe plants out in the field so that would not be a good thing.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there.

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