Monday, July 3, 2017

7/3/2017 - Back to Klamath Falls

Monday - We have pretty well driven all the roads we can drive in this area, and since we never have invested in fishing license, today we went back to Klamath Falls to do a little shopping.  Dave and Mazie drove down to Chiloquin to make a donation to the fire department since there was no charge for their emergency run out here to check her out.  They got a tour of their facilities and equipment and talked to Mike, the head paramedic and the one who treated her the other night.  Collins and Marilyn drove back to the train museum, no surprise there, where they got a longer ride today and got to check out the trains on display and talk to some of the volunteers.

Joe and I took most of the day for our shopping trip -- got the car washed, went to Walmart, the post office, lunch, Fred Myers Grocery, back to post office.  I did see some wildlife on the way into town -- either a marmot or groundhog, couldn't tell.   We got home just after 3:00, and Marilyn was making chili for all of us so it was a non-cooking day for me.  After cards (girls won handily), I walked down to the river and around the campground, and saw a neat tripod cooking someone's dinner over the firepit.  I thought that was worth a picture, so I came back and got my camera, grabbed up David along the way, and we checked it out.  I kept thinking they might invite me to dinner (they didn't know I had already eaten), but no luck there.

There's lots of activity at this little campground, from kids playing, dogs splashing in the water, people fishing, boaters and kayakers on the river, people cooking, people sitting outside their campers enjoying the evening.  This campground has all kinds of campers in it, from tents to Class Bs, pick-up campers, tow-behinds, Class Cs to top-of-the-line RVs.

Joe's allergies are killing him here, though, and in trying to find the pollen count today, he learned that Klamath Falls is one of the worst places for pollen, second only to Eugene, Oregon.  Some days are better than others, but today was a bad one for him.  Mazie, however, seems to be doing better.  Her hand is still quite swollen, and bruises are starting to show up, but she said it isn't quite as sore today, so hopefully she's on the mend.  Collins, on the other hand, is still suffering with his back/hip/leg problems.  Not sure what the answer there is, but we hope he gets to feeling better soon.

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