Sunday, July 11, 2021

Day 2 at Indian River

 7-11-2012 - Sunday

John got to sleep in this morning until Catalina pulled the blankets off him to wake him up.  She came over to check on us and told us she had to get her dad up.  John said they had the temperature down to about 40 degrees and he was snuggled in.   But once up, then he got busy, ran up to the bait shop for bait, took the boat over and launched it.  I offered him coffee but he got that in the bait shop so he did everything on his own.  After we all had breakfast, we loaded up the boat and headed out, about 9:15.  It was already pretty warm, and there was no breeze.  He drove us over to a nearby island where he had luck before, and we did catch a few fish there.  John caught one as soon as he cast out, then Andrew caught one.  We ended up with 4, 1 for John, 2 for Andrew and 1 for me.  But Andrew caught the best one, a small sheepshead.

We moved across the water to another island we have fished before. 

The good thing about fishing here is that we can get in the water and cool off.  Joe, John and I started fishing; Catalina and kids did a little exploring (they found an anemone and some crabs).  

 Here, we wade out in the lagoon, the water is quite shallow.  John caught a catfish here, but the rest of us didn't have any luck.  We did see a couple dolphins pretty close.  We stayed about 1 1/2 hours, then it got to be time to head in for lunch.  It had gotten cloudy, and we could hear thunder in the distance, so we loaded up.  We were ready to get out of the sun for a while.

John got a little help driving us in.  I forgot to take a picture of Andrew, but here's Catalina at the helm, taking us under the bridge to our campsite.

We got the boat unloaded, then went into our campers to cool off and have some lunch.  The sun drove me and Joe inside again for the afternoon, but the other Froeschkes spent most of the afternoon in the water right in front of our campsites.  Andrew went for a long swim.  Joe and I came out about 5:00.  Grandpa played ladder golf with Andrew and I took Catalina over to the playground.  I found a bench in the shade by the playground so it wasn't too bad over there. She played until it was time for dinner.

We had dinner inside tonight, but John and Joe got a campfire going (84 degrees and a campfire!) and before we called it a night, they roasted marshmallows for s'mores.  Both kids were a mess from the marshmallows so John took them over to the showers, and Joe and I came in to watch the Suns game.  

We didn't have any rain today, just heat and humidity.  But rain is in the forecast tomorrow, thunderstorms including the possibility of hail.  The plan is to be on the boat by 8:00 so we can be back in before any weather front moves in.  We can do without the storms and hail, but a break in the heat would be nice.  And maybe fishing will be better tomorrow.

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