Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Monday at Mike and Nancy's

7-16-2021 - Monday

After a morning start visiting in the garage until everyone was up, Mike fixed breakfast and we got our day started. Joe's new hose arrived by Prime on schedule, so now he has to decide whether to go ahead and replace it here or just keep it with us and go with his makeshift one until it breaks or we get home.  This truck is on the street right in front of their house, and they often see deer in the woods behind it, and in the yard beside it.  I saw one yesterday (little fawn) and one today.  Mike says they sometimes see up to 6, playing in the open grass over there.

Their daughter, Lisa, and 17-year-old grandson, David, live with Mike and Nancy.  We didn't see much of David yesterday (my, has he grown up since our last visit!), but we did see him briefly this morning before he went to work at Dominos Pizza, and he filled in at cards when he got home from work.

We went into Tullahoma today -- Mike has a leak in the bed cover on his pick-up that he wanted to see about getting fixed -- and we went to a book store and picked up a few more books.  If it's not rocks, it's books.  This town has small aircraft (scale-model F-16s) placed all around, in honor of Arnold Air Force Base nearby.  This was a project to brand Tullahoma as an aerospace center which was started in 2013.  They had a total of 49 of these jets ready to place around town, mostly at major intersections.  Local children painted the planes.  I didn't think to take pictures, but if we are back in this town, I will try to get a few.  

We had lunch at a Mexican restaurant -- not many restaurants open in Tullahoma on Mondays -- and then went back to the house.  We had a little thunderstorm go through, and were under a thunderstorm watch later in the evening.  Most of that went around us, but they did get a little rain, and the temperature stayed decent all day.

We played cards again this evening.  The girls are on a winning streak.  Tomorrow we are supposed to go to the new Costco that opened in Murfreesboro.  They have membership at Sam's Club but want to check out Costco and see if it's worth membership there.  Murfreesboro is 33 miles away, so it's not someplace they would go all the time.

Tomorrow's forecast is 90, with possible thunderstorms in the afternoon.  I guess it's just that time of year here.  Vincennes temperature is just about the same, so it looks like we are not getting much cooler yet.  


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