Friday, July 16, 2021

Day 7 at Indian River

 7-16-2021 - Friday

We slept in again this morning, and found out Bridgette had gone back to Vero Beach for the exercise class.  John had the kids inside, so Joe and I went in to Melboune Shores for breakfast and to get some more itch cream.  We stopped at a couple of yard sales and I found some horses for Catalina to add to her collection (she probably has 100 already).  I found a couple books I thought Andrew might like, too.

John and Andrew were fishing at our campsite when we got back.  They had caught a red snapper, but then puffer fish kept taking their bait.  So they moved down to the dock at the boat ramp.  When they came back, Andrew came over to play Rack-O and the rest of them went swimming here at the campsite.  Meanwhile, some new campers moved in next to us.  They spotted a raccoon in the weeds next to the water (we had seen it when we first got here).  They took some watermelon over to entice it out of the weeds, and it finally did come out.

I had a birds-eye view from the dinette table in our RV, and I saw the raccoon come out again and sneak up under their easy-up and grab a lunchable.  They saw him then and chased him back into the weeds, but he kept sneaking back up for more food.  

He kept coming back for more, and they kept trying to scare him off.  John said it had visited his campsite several times, and gotten into their trash.

The kids went home for lunch, and Joe and I took a nap.  Everyone was tired from our long day in the sun yesterday.  When we got up, they had left to go to a turtle sanctuary in the area.  When they got back, I gave Catalina her horses, and that put me back in her good graces.  Then we all went into Melbourne Shores to Texas Roadhouse for dinner.  John and Bridgette decided to go home tomorrow evening since it was so hot and humid here.  We are going for a boatride up the river early in the morning, then I think that will be the end of this vacation.  I do not recommend Florida in July.

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