Monday, July 22, 2024

 Monday, July 22, 2024

In Bozeman

Our long-awaited appointment for the A/C has finally arrived, and we were up bright and early.  They had told us to be there by 9:00 even though the appointment wasn't until 12:30, so we were there just past 8:30.  They were not officially open, but a little after 9:00, Joe went and found the "service writer" and she got our information and we were on our way.  She (Nikki) told us she would keep Joe informed.

So we went off to breakfast.  I decided to go to Ortho Urgent Care and have my knees looked at, so we did that next.  I got right in, and they took some x-rays, found no damage to either my right knee, where a sharp pain started yesterday, or my calf on the left leg.  But she did send me for an ultrasound on the calf to make sure I had no blood clots.  She gave me a brace to put on my right knee, thinking the knee cap is moving around a little and maybe hitting a spur or something.  She said it will heal over time.

We had a little time to kill before that appointment, so we went to Walmart where I could drive a cart to shop.  (We bought a cushion and a jar of mustard.)  Then we had lunch, then off to the ultrasound.  The tech said she didn't see anything, but a report would be sent to the doctor.  I got a text saying the results were on a website, but when I went there, no results were posted. Frustrating.

Then we went for a short drive to the next town, Amsterdam, about 13 miles west.  The only picture I took today was of a pretty river.  I told Joe I needed to stand up, so he pulled over and we took a few minutes to walk, but we couldn't get down to the water, and it was hot so that was a short stop.

Then we just went on back to the dealership.  He didn't see his person, so we sat in the waiting area for about an hour, then we saw her.  She was busy but Joe finally got up to the counter to talk to her -- just to learn they never even got started on our RV!  So now she wants us back tomorrow by 8:00, and she said she will get someone started on it right away.  Very frustrating.  If they have to order parts, we will be doing this again, and maybe again.

Heading back to the campground, I was following Joe in the Jeep.  He got through some stoplights that I didn't make, and I ended up losing him.  And I missed a turn, and ended up on the freeway.  I had to go 3 miles to the next exit, so I got turned around and headed back, but my exit ramp was closed for construction so I had to go another couple of miles.  Then get turned around again.  I finally got back to the campground, but I was already frustrated, and that certainly didn't help.

Not one of our best days.

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