Friday, July 19, 2024

 Thursday, July 18, 2024

New Tires

Well, this morning after breakfast, Joe went tire shopping — no surprise there. So we’re now the proud owners of four new tires and an alignment which apparently was much needed.  This trip has really been expensive and we’ve bought a lot of tires.  He thought the Jeep needed an alignment too, because sometimes it would start shimmying after we hit a bump. He had it in for alignment before we left home but apparently they didn't do what he paid them for.

Anyway, after he got the Jeep fitted with the new tires, he came back and got me — I opted out of the tire shopping — and we ran a couple errands, then got some lunch/dinner.  As we came off the freeway at our exit, we both noticed a road behind the truckstop going off into the mountains. We thought we should take the new tires on their maiden voyage on a dirt road, so off we went. We were literally less than a half mile from the campground when we made this decision and went off on this little jaunt. The road was pavement to start out with, but soon turned into dirt, with some road construction.  Perfect -- that's how we roll.

Right away, we came upon 2 bucks. Joe thought they were blacktail but we don't know if there is such a thing in Montana. Anyway. We backed up so Joe could see them, and I got a good picture.


With that incentive, we put in 25 miles and an hour of our evening looking for anything else that moved, with no success.  But we enjoyed the drive and the scenery, and got back to the campground about 6:00. At the end of our third road was a ranch or something, with some interesting outside decorations.

That was the end of our day.  I have something going on with my left leg, in addition to arthritis, and this morning I woke up with a scratchy throat, so we both took it pretty easy after our long day yesterday.  Hopefully, tomorrow the Trolley Tour.

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