Friday, June 11, 2010

Hazelton, B.C.

Friday, June 11 -- OMG, we woke up to sunshine this morning.  What a welcome sight.  And it was 50 degrees.

Dave pecked on our front windshield first thing this morning and said a mama moose with her calf had just wandered through the campground.  Luckily, I was up and dressed (as opposed to Joe who was neither), so I grabbed the camera and dashed outside.  Well, maybe "dash" is a bit misleading, maybe "tripped" would be more apt.  Anyway, I caught just a glimpse of the mama, but the baby was unable to get across the fence and kept running into it.  Finally, the mama came back and led the baby through the break in the fence, and then they both disappeared from sight.  I got to watch the baby for a few minutes and caught a picture of it.

You may have to enlarge the picture, but it is right on the edge of the road, on the left.

Needless to say, this morning got off to a good start.  There was a RV (actually a fifth-wheel) that parked near us last night that we all decided we would buy when we win the lottery.  Would have loved to see inside it.  We saw it twice more on the road today, so we are on the same schedule, just not making the same stops, I guess.  Maybe we'll run into it, well, maybe we'll just pass it, again in our travels.  I would not want to run into it, believe me!

Yesterday we rolled over 2200 miles since we left home.  We've added maybe 300 more since then, so we are moving on.  Mazie is our "weather lady," since they are driving the Dodge and it has a temperature reading in it, so she keeps us up to date on weather.  Sometimes she even gives a forecast.  We passed a caution sign today for road construction that said "loose gravel."  It was one of those that blinks through the message, and Joe thought it said "loose moose."  He was really on the lookout for mooses then, although I'm not really sure what he was expecting!

We saw 4 deer (one at a time) in our travels today, but no other wildlife.  However, we are still in lilac country.  Joe never would pull over and let me restock, though.

This part of B.C. is just full of lakes and rivers.  At one time, our GPS screen was just splattered with blue lakes, even though we couldn't see most of them.  We did pass Burns Lake, which was very pretty.

We started out driving in tall pine country, but eventually we got back into snow-topped mountains.  Very pretty scenery, although different than what we've seen.  We went through some farm country too.

We crossed this bridge, which is the Hagwilget Bridge at Hazelton, one of the highest suspension bridges in North America.  Eric, you would have loved it.  It was a long, long way to the bottom!  We stopped at Hazelton because it is supposedly the Totem Pole capital of the world, and Mazie is into totem poles.  But they don't seem to have all that many here, and the carvers are not here at this time.

Mazie and Marilyn have gone down to the Visitors Center to get the scoop, so we may get to see more before we leave.  We are camped at 'Ksan Campground at Hazelton, right by the river.  Very scenic.  Dixie, we also went through "Decker Lake" today, but my picture didn't turn out of that sign. 

Lori, I made your key lime cheesecake recipe for dinner tonight. I'll let you know how it turns out.

Tomorrow we hope to make it to Prince Rupert, but the weather forecast is not very promising, so we'll have to make decisions in the morning about the day's travel.


  1. The locals probably thought it was a heat wave :) Glad you got to see mountain TOPS for a change.

  2. We think we should name 2010 as the "Year of Lilacs" in honor of Wilma.

    Just imagine camping in Hazelton by a river, sounds like Indiana.
