Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tok Again

Monday, August 9 - We headed to Tok this morning, to meet back up with the Brundiges and decide whether or not the Chicken trip was a possibility.  Marilyn had learned that the road from Chicken to the Canadian Border was closed indefinitely, so our only option was to drive up and back from Tok.  However, that highway was reputably not in very good shape, and none of us wanted to damage our rigs, so decisions had to be made.  The highway to Tok was really rough, with a lot of frost heaves for miles, then a good stretch.  If the road on to Chicken was this bad, it probably was not a good idea to attempt that trip, because part of that highway was just gravel.

We drove through the Alaska Range on the way to Tok today.  These were not real tall mountains, but they were pretty.
We also crossed the Little Tok and the Tok Rivers.  I got a picture of the Tok (didn't think to get one of the Little Tok).

There were supposed to be Dall sheep on the mountain ridges, and moose in the wetlands, but we saw none.  We got to Tok about 1:30 and checked into the campground.  Marilyn and Collins had been there for a couple days already, and Marilyn had gotten her hair cut today.  Mazie and I drove down to the beauty shop and made appointments for tomorrow for ourselves, and for Ar'gent!

This campground is right beside a restaurant, Fast Eddys, and we decided to walk over there for dinner.  I wish we had taken the camera with us.  Collins ordered nachos, and the plate was piled so high it looked like the volcanoes the kids made in grade school science class.  He has left-overs for tomorrow.

We have some maintenance issues to take care of tomorrow (besides our hair cuts), and will probably try to get the laundry caught up again.  The trailer hitch for our tow car is pretty loose again after today's rough roads, and Dave needs some rivets put into the panels by his water tank.  Collins managed to cut the end of his finger off while they were on their own, so in addition to his shoulder, I'm not sure how much work we can get out of him.

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