Sunday, June 16, 2024

 Sunday, June 16, 2024


We had a terrible night. The wind forced us to bring our slides in and our RV is not set up to function with the slides in -- our bed is a retractable one so we couldn’t have it out all the way with the slide in.  Joe slept crossways on it and we put the couch down and I slept on it -- which is also not comfortable. The wind pounded us all night long and on into the today.  Joe intended to spend some time washing the window shield of the motorhome while we were parked here, but we never got that done. It was so windy, I was afraid it would blow him off of the ladder so now he’s hoping for a good rain today to get those bugs off of there. But we did get up early, got everything ready to move, stopped into town at McDonald’s, and then hit the road to Great Falls about 9:50. The wind is still pounding -- 26 miles an hour with gusts up to 40. We had a few sprinkles, but then the sun came out. It was 46° when we got up this morning 

The rabbits were at McDonald’s again, we counted seven.  Somebody in McDonald’s said he thought they had belonged to the owner of the store next-door and somehow got out and multiplied. But I'm not sure these look exactly like the one I saw yesterday.

Just like the other day, we’re driving along a lot of railroad track with stored cars on it -- this time it’s flatbeds and they go for miles and miles, just sitting there waiting to be needed, I guess.


Bales of hay are scattered along the highway on this road about every 2/10 of a mile.  They are on both sides, right by the road.  We don’t know if they are to feed animals or they’re going be picked up or what. Joe’s guessing that they just bail what they mow and maybe use it on their wildlife refuges or something.   Eventually, we did see the mower, and then a different mower that baled the grass into round bales.

This is the first "yellow" field we have seen.  We assume it is canola or mustard.


Except for the wind, it was a pleasant, easy drive, pretty scenery.  We saw several deer and antelope along the highway.  We arrived in Great Falls about 12:15, and extended our reservation for a whole week.  We will be leaving here next Sunday.  We agreed that we needed some down time, and we have some maintenance things to deal with.  After we got set up, we went to the laundromat.  There is one here in the campground and we were all set to use that one, but by the time we got up there, it was busy, so we went to one in town.  After getting that task done, we stopped at Applebee's for Joe's father's day dinner.  Our route to Applebee's took us along the River Road (Missouri River).  This town apparently has buffalo art work.  I missed the photo op for the first one, but this one, like a fish, was along the river.

Applebee's was just across the street from the River.  There were a couple of jet-skiers out on it, we thought they might be rushing the season a bit.

We drove 125 miles today, glad that we had a short day since the wind never let up.  It was chilly (46) when we got up but had warmed up to 60 when we got to Great Falls.  Tomorrow is supposed to be cold, though.  Low tonight of 42, high tomorrow of 49 with rain.  And Glacier National Park, our next stop, is under a winter storm warning (snow) tomorrow.

We calculated our miles today and we’ve driven over 4000 so far in the RV, and probably that many in the jeep as well.  I did not add up the fuel costs, we weren't ready for those harsh facts since we are a long, long way from home.

That's it for today.  Time to get a good night's sleep.





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