Wednesday, June 5, 2024

 June 5, 2024

Valley City, North Dakota

We were both tired this morning so we are planning a light day.  I did get a couple of pictures of our campground.  It is much different than our last one, which was also a COE.  That one was more open, much busier, with campers and boats passing our site all the time, shuffleboard court, horse shoes, etc.  And a basketball court right behind our RV that was busy from 7:00 a.m. on.  This one is very woodsy.  The campsites are secluded in the trees and very private.  Both had beach areas and playgrounds but the other one had several shower houses. There is a restaurant on the other side of the lake here, and private residences over there also.

We had a slow morning. It took forever for me to finish the blog but after breakfast and showers, we finally headed back to Valley City, with the laundry. The laundromat here, an old Maytag one, had half the machines out of order. It was clean enough but everything was just old. We got our wash out of the first machine, but the door on the second washer wouldn’t open. I thought it was going to hold our clothes hostage but I guess we just didn't wait long enough because I finally heard the release click and was able to open the door. In the meantime, Joe was wandering around looking for someone to go to battle with over our load of clothes. But we finished up there and drove around the small town. We were on the search for pie but the only bakery we found was self-serve and only had a few bars of some kind. But we were half a block from a thrift store (another one of my hobbies, or addictions Joe would say,) so I walked down to it. Joe drove the jeep down but he did come in and shop with me. We bought a few things. Giving up on pie, we found a Dairy Queen and treated ourselves before heading back to the RV. 

I liked the door handles at this Dairy Queen.  I haven't seen them before so I don't think they are regulation decor.

Drove home through a dust storm -- didn't expect that up here in very wet North Dakota. Anywhere there was a freshly plowed field, visibility really dropped until we got back to trees or fields with crops already planted. Wind gusts of 42 mph. Glad we only had to go 12 miles. 

One poor farmer was trying to work his ground, but the wind was vicious.  He was stirring up a lot of dust but it was going the other way from us.  I'm sure these farmers are anxious to get their fields done, but this was tough farming.

There is a wind farm right across the road from our turnoff.  They must lock them down in high winds because none of these were turning, although we could see more in the distance that were turning, so we don't know.

Joe decided to explore the road across the lake from us.  We can see campers over there.  Apparently, that is all private land and there were 2 rows of campers and houses, with great views of the lake.  And speaking of the lake, it was seriously white-capping today.  There were no boats out there in this wind.

We got back to the RV just after 5:00.  With our late treat, we didn't have dinner until about 7:00, but that was enough activity for today.  We were both still tired from yesterday, and tomorrow we move on.









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