Wednesday, June 26, 2024

 Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Many Glaciers, Glacier National Park

Another pretty sunny day, little chilly in the morning. I had trouble posting my blog this morning so we didn’t get out of the camper until 11:30 (blog still not posted). We took a drive up the dirt road along the west branch of Lake Mary -- Lower St. Mary Lake.  Not much to see on it.  Too many trees obscured views of the lake.  Then we drove to Babb and into the Many Glaciers entrance of Glacier National Park.  

 There was road construction in the park so part of the drive was pretty rough and dusty, but from the highway to the entrance (which is a few miles), we drove past the very pretty river and then the dam which is where the construction started, and then to the pretty Lake Sherburne at the Lodge.  Still looking at beautiful snow-topped mountains.

To get to the Lodge, we crossed a bridge.  There was a double water falls coming from the bridge.  And pretty views from the deck of the Lodge.  We kept scanning for mountain sheep (there were signs along the road saying "don't feed the sheep) but we never spotted any.

We drove into the park and all the way back to the lodge. Hannah had suggested we go in the lodge because people scan the mountains from the deck and often see wildlife so we did, and people had their binoculars trained on one of the mountain sides where they had seen two bears.   So likewise, we saw two brown bears . 


We hung out there for a while, watching the Bears, and sharing our binoculars with some people who did have any.  This is the ridge the bears are on. 

Then we walked through the lobby to the lounge and the restaurant, but we didn’t sit down. 

The tour boat was loading so we watched it leave.  We don't know if the boat goes further than we can see, but this lake did not look at big.

We left there and drove on back to the end of the road. It was highly congested back there, lots of trailheads apparently.   We turned around, and headed back. I got pictures of the double waterfall at the bridge on the way back.

When we got to the park exit, traffic was backed up for construction all the way past it, so we got to sit for a few minutes.  The construction started (or ended) just past the entrance. 

Here's a picture of the back side of the dam.  On the other side is the pretty river, rushing past.

It was only 8 miles back to the RV, so we had a short day, finally.  We thought we might make an evening drive, but we did not.  It was good to get a little rest.  And I still had yesterday's blog to post, which I finally did.  

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