Friday, May 28, 2010

Delco to Cascade, Idaho

We had to hook up in the rain this morning, but it stopped after about an hour.  Then rained again off and on as we continued north.  I got my laundry done this morning before we left so we have clean clothes for a few days again. 

This is how we travel - 55 mph, Joe with his morning soda (which he graciously shares with me) and my lilacs.  RVing is great!

We drove through miles of beautiful farm country in southern Idaho, which Joe really enjoys.  Can't take the boy out of the country.  Then we got into the Idaho mountains.  We passed another elk farm, which I missed (I was changing the "exhausted" battery in the camera).  We saw 2 elk farms around Zion Nat'l Park, as well as a buffalo farm.  There are also some windmill farms along this highway (I-84).  Missed a herd of antelope too that Dave and Mazie saw.  We were leading today but Dave (in the middle) seemed to have the eye for animals.  I told our group that I thought an antelope would have to be standing in the middle of the highway with a red hat on for me to see it today.  However, when we stopped for lunch at a rest stop, I spotted 2 antelope on the ridge above, and Dave saw a third one which I did get to see.  I don't know how many times I have said "Oh, WOW," on this trip so far, but it is a lot.  This is really beautiful country.  See the windmills in the distance in the pix below.  I think you can click on the pix and enlarge it, but I don't (know that for sure. 

We drove through Boise and took Hwy 55 to Cascade where we are spending the night.  We drove for about 25 miles along side the Payette River, which was bouncing and rushing over rocks and around boulders.  We saw 3 kayakers on this river, and I can't imagine how they found their way through the rocks.  We traveled about 210 miles yesterday, and 245 today, so we've picked up the pace.  Probably have to take a day off soon.

This campground has a "carver" who teaches people how to make totem poles, and there are beautiful totem poles scattered throughout.  Here's a few.  Tiffany -- the Santa one is for you.  John and Bridgette -- the whale is for you.  BTW, these are not for sale, so you only get these pix.


  1. You have called Joy, maybe she could have met you in Boise. She just lives on down I84 about 300 miles.

    We mailed Lucille a package of blog pages yesterday. I looked on the map and saw where you are probably going through Lucile, Idaho. That might be worth a picture.

    Jim and Dixie

  2. Sounds like you are having fun. Eric and Cody had to fill in for Dad yesterday, Jeff needed drywall unloaded so Brenda called Cody(who was at a friends), Cody called Eric, Cody showed up (with friend), and Kaylee drove Eric and I on the ranger. By the way Dad, you have created a monster and her backing up is horrible - she hasn't got the concept that you turn the wheel in the opposite direction going backwards.

    Glad to hear you finally got to lead.

