Sunday, May 16, 2010

T Minus1

Today is T minus one. Tomorrow, if all goes well, we begin our EXCELLENT ADVENTURE.  Despite some bumps in the road this week (I had a stomach virus most of the week, and Dave had a flare-up of arthritis in his knee and foot), we are packed and loaded for bear (literally).  Although tomorrow’s plan is to travel only as far as Payson (less than 100 miles) to either meet or wait for Dave and Mazie (coming from Sierra Vista, a 5-6 hour drive for them), we will wait for them at the casino (Yes, what a way to start out) so we can watch the Suns – Laker game.  Then, Tuesday, on to Flagstaff to meet up with the last of our caravan, Collins and Marilyn.  Joe said getting ready to go away for this long is almost like moving – we have emptied the refrigerator and freezer, stored all the patio furniture inside his garage, parked his 20 ft. truck in my
20 ft, ½ inch garage, put Direct TV on vacation mode, and canceled our trash pick-up for the summer.   We have packed everything imaginable and are prepared for almost anything.  We have rubber boots, fishing poles, gold panning pans, travel books, binoculars and cameras.   And we have clothes for all extremes. 

Once we meet up in Flagstaff and have our full convoy of three units (2 motorhomes pulling cars (called dinghies in RV-speak), and a Dodge pick-up pulling a Silver Streak trailer, we will be in fuller trucker
mode.  We have CB’s (breaker, breaker) cell phones, and walkie talkies so communication should not be a problem.  This is important, because I expect every antelope, deer, elk, moose, buffalo, marmot, bear, etc. to be loudly announced SO THAT I DON'T MISS ANYTHING!!!!!   We have been told, however, that Joe and I do not ever get to lead the convoy (they think we will drive too fast), so Dave/Mazie and Collins/Marilyn will have the first opportunity to spot wildlife.  Little do they know, however, that we have learned how to slow way down since January, so we may earn the lead position at some point.  However, since our traveling companions have all been retired for some years now, and their preferred max traveling speed is 57 mph, we will probably have to prove ourselves since in the past we have been known to exceed speeds of (OMG) 70 mph when heading out on vacation.


  1. I really don't understand why this caravan thinks you drive too fast. I've been thinking for years "can't they go any faster!!!"

    I guess this explains why they only intend to drive 2 hours a day.

    Have fun.

  2. Bridgette FroeschkeMay 16, 2010 at 12:41 PM

    I am so happy for you guys. Have a great time and keep us updated on your adventures.

    Love you,

  3. Bon voyage and go Suns!!! (with apologies to certain 'Blazer fans out there =)

  4. Today is the day!!!! I am up and I am sure that you are too!!! Have tons of fun esp. for all of us who will be working :-/ to pay for that SSI ;) ta ta for now...

  5. Welcome to the Northwest! Enjoy your adventures and I look forward to hearing about your experiences on the open road.

  6. Audrey said-----I'm jealous for I always wanted to go to Alaska but----since I can't ,the best next thing is hearing all about it. Have the best time ever and hello to Collins & Marilyn.
