Saturday, August 22, 2015

Tidal Bore in Moncton (8/21/2015)

We decided to extend one day here in Shediac in order to see the tidal bore, which was supposed to be at 3:12 this afternoon, so we had a "free" morning.  I decided to get the laundry caught up again, so we didn't get a very early start.  Dixie said it seems like we do a lot of laundry, so I explained to her the factors the make that a true statement.  We don't run out of clean clothes, but we do run out of room for the dirty ones.  Our RV has a built-in hamper that holds about 1 1/2 loads, but it fills up quickly.  So that's the first issue.  The second issue is that many laundramats in the campgrounds only have 1-2 washers, or if they have 3, one is usually broken.  Same with dryers.  So in order to get it all done in one trip, we have to keep it manageable to two loads usually.  Anyhow, I got the laundry done this morning.  And then we headed out.

So made his soda stop at McDonalds and couldn't resist taking a picture of one of their menu items -- McLobster!.  We later saw an add for Subway with a lobster sandwich on their menu.  You can definitely tell what part of the country we are in.

We ended up driving out to the Prince Edward Island bridge. Yesterday we thought we might drive over to PEI for a few hours, but it costs $45 to drive that bridge round-trip, and we didn't think we had enough time to justify that expense and still get back here by 3:12.  So we drove out to it, there was a visitor center there with an observation tower, and we got to take some pictures of the bridge, with Prince Edward Island in the distance.

We made a loop drive out of it and weren't sure how long it would take us to get back, so we were trying to make some time.  Then we came upon stopped traffic.  It turned out to be a car on fire, fully engulfed.  We sat for a few minutes, then Joe worked his way around it and off we went again.

We made it to the Bore Park about 45 minutes early, which was good because the tidal came through about 15 minutes early.  Yesterday when we stopped here to get information, the information clerk told us to get here 15-20 minutes early because it is governed by Mother Nature and she doesn't wait.  We were glad we listened to her.  Collins and Marilyn were at another visitor center upriver a few blocks, so we didn't quite meet up as planned.  It turns out there are 3 visitor centers in town.



It was quite an interesting act that Mother Nature put on.  The river is way down, at low tide, when the wave comes through, followed by a huge current of water that quickly begins to fill the river.  We watched it for about 30 minutes, but they said the river would be full to its banks in 2-3 hours.  When the tidal bore comes through, it changes the direction of the flow of the river, and the river is actually running upstream.  When it reaches a point that the elevation of the river is high enough to stop it, the water begins flowing back the other way.  It's one of those things you have to see to believe.

Once we left here, we did a little Walmart shopping, then hit the casino for surf & turf buffet for $9.99.  We played a little, and Joe won enough to cover my loss, plus 40 cents to the good.  So we didn't cover our dinner, but we basically played for free.

We got back to the RV park, visited with Collins and Marilyn for a while, then had our card game before calling it a night.  We've had a very interesting time here along the Bay of Fundy -- something we will remember the rest of our lives.

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