Wednesday, May 22, 2024

 May 21, 2024


Marathon -Day 2

Marathon is a very small town, smaller than Wawa. We spent the first hour or so this morning trying to find a place for me to get a haircut.  We had tried to scope this out yesterday but I only found one shop.  I called them and they were booked for the week.  We finally found a second one that was supposed to be unisex, but it is only a barbershop now -- he lost his help -- and he tried to send me across the street to the one I had already called.  He told me of another one, didn't know the name or address, just that it was next to Mr. Sub.  We looked all over for Mr. Sub, finally found a beauty shop next to Subway.  The hairdresser said the Subway used to be a Mr. Sub, but she had been there 4 years and it had been Subway all that time.  Anyhow, she could take me in a couple hours, so we went on our next mission, to locate the laundromat.  This town is small but hard to get around in for some reason.  But we finally found it, so we know where to go tomorrow.  Then we started our touring.  Our first stop was to Pebble Beach Park, which I was quite excited about.  But the trail down to the water was more than I thought I could handle, let alone come back up with rocks, so we did not go down to it.

The trail down.  Another couple came up the trail while we were there and she said her husband had to give her a hand.  She had already had knee surgery.  But she added that it was like walking on marbles, so that didn't sound too good.
The pebbles really looked promising, and I'm not sure I can leave here without giving it a try, but my knees are saying NO.

Our next drive was out to Cordon Cove, which looked like a great place for swimming and picnicking.  

The beach here was more accessible. But no rocks.


We drove down a couple gravel roads, then it was time for my haircut.  Next, we went to the grocery store, went home, had a rest, and went for another drive about 6:00 p.m.  My hairdresser told me she had seen 2 moose yesterday on the highway we drove the day before.  One was in the burnout area that I mentioned.  She also said that fire had just been last year. 

This drive was to the Pukaskwa Provincial Park, back just a few miles.  We had considered staying here and wanted to see what their provincial parks look like.  It was a nice campground, very woodsy.  And a surprising number of campers there.

It had a nice little cove at the back with a couple 
guys practicing their canoeing skills.  And they needed some practice.  Mostly they went around in circles.

But it was really pretty back here.  Lots of hiking trails.

Pic River, the river and the town, were on this road so we explored them.  Joe took a side road, which deteriorated as most of them do.  But we did see some wildlife -- 2 rabbits.  We think the first one was a Flemish Giant Rabbit.  And the second one had white feet so we think it was a Snowshoe Hare.  No pictures.  We made our way back out to the highway and headed back east to another provincial park, but we decided it was too far and too late, so we turned around and headed back to the campground.

We are supposed to have some weather tonight -- high winds, thunderstorms, heavy rain starting about midnight and continuing until noon tomorrow, then followed by wind.  I'm hoping it isn't as bad as predicted.  Bad storms in a motorhome is just not something I want to endure.

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