Wednesday, May 15, 2024

 Wednesday, May 15, 2024

So this post is real time.  I hope to keep up with the blog from now on, but have no idea how good the internet service will be in Canada.  So we will see.  

We took it easy today, hoping my cough would improve with a day of rest.  I watched Xavier's ballgame on my phone, and when they won, I watched  most of the second game.  Joe took a nap but was ready to do something so we went to get some lunch, then took a drive.  At some point, I lost service on my phone so missed part of the game, but got it back just in time to watch them lose.  Too bad.

After lunch, we stopped at the Visitor Center and picked up some brochures on the Canadian part of our trip.  Our drive took us south and east, several miles from the city, but only a few miles from the river.  We eventually took a road to the river, and found the Cozy Corner restaurant in Barbeau that had been recommended by the clerk at the Visitors Center.  We will probably drive back down to it for dinner tomorrow.  We drove past the restaurant out on a spit of land to the water, then turned around and continued on our way.  To the next dirt road.  Here, I got out of the jeep to check out the rocks.  Looks like someone beat me to this one.

Here's the jeep, with the river in front, and a ship on the river.

Looking behind the jeep, here's the dirt road we came in on.  Joe's happy place, a dirt road to drive.

While we were there, a big ship went by.  Then down a few hundred feet, it passed another ship, one going each way.  

Continuing on to another dirt road, we spotted a deer just as we turned onto it.  It headed into the bushes before I got a good picture, but here's the back end of it.  We also saw a turkey on this road, which I also missed with the camera.  I need to work on my photography skills.  Seems like I got a little rusty.

We made our way back to town, and went to Walgreens for more meds for my cough.  If I don't die of an overdose, maybe I will conquer this thing.  I still have my knee problems, but currently, the cough is about to do me in.  And Joe as well.

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