Thursday, May 30, 2024

 Thursday, May 30, 2024

Slow Day

First, 2 things I forgot from yesterday.  1) I'm thinking Cathy should change the banner to the blog from fishing to water falls.  But we haven't given up completely on fishing, so maybe not.  2) We saw a deer as we came out of the Silver Bay Marina.  No picture, thus I forgot.

Today we had what was a "down day" for us.  I think I was just worn out from bouncing around in the Jeep -- my arm, shoulder, and both knees were aching.  So I took the day off -- although I did fix breakfast, wash dishes and sweep.  Joe made a trip into town to the hardware store, and also picked up a few items at the grocery store.  In my incapacitation on this trip, I'm finding out that Joe could have been doing lots more things over the last 55 years.  He's very helpful with laundry, is capable of grocery shopping by himself, etc. He fixed a drawer today, and dumped the RV so we can get an early start tomorrow, so he did chores too.

We had our morning swimmer again.  I didn't see her in the water but got a picture as she wrapped the towel around her, then she just left.  This was before 8:00 a.m.

We did go into town for lunch, to Culvers, and we both had their chicken and wild rice soup, which was just OK.  But every restaurant in town that has soup has the chicken and wild rice.  It must be a thing up here.  Actually, they seem to use wild rice in a lot of things up here -- maybe it's a local crop.  $13.99 for 3 lbs.

I discovered that lilacs are just beginning to bloom here.  This little branch found its way into the Jeep!   We took the back way into town, and I saw a blooming bush but we didn't stop.  So then we had to go back down the back streets to find it, which we did.

It's driving me crazy watching all these rockhounders out our front windshield, so even with my 2 bad knees and my bad shoulder and arm, I decided I had to give it a try.  Unfortunately, it was chilly and very windy (white-capping), so we didn't last very long.  But if the wind dies down, I may try again this evening.  I probably only picked up 6-8 rocks.  But there's someone down there almost all the time, just a couple people or so, so there must be something worth picking up.

Our tires are in, so we have an early appointment tomorrow in Duluth.  Hope that goes well.  Then we have reservations for the weekend at a Corp of Engineers Campground at Leech Lake Dam, about 100 miles west. Looking forward to a nice weekend there, we were probably lucky to get a spot since we didn't even try until about 5:00 p.m. today, because of the uncertainty of when the tires would be done.  We will probably need to start booking camp sites a little ahead now that it will be June for our next one.

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