Saturday, May 25, 2024

 Saturday, May 25, 2024

Thunder Bay, Ontario

We were on the road by 9 o’clock this morning, heading back to Nipigon to the tire dealer/tow truck.  It rained again during the night but was 42 when we got up this morning.  It’s still partly cloudy so we’ll see which way the temperature goes today.  We arrived at Best Towing right at 10 o’clock.  They got right on us and it only took about 45 minutes, and the good news was that it only cost us $86 in Canadian money.

Joe has been having a terrible time finding diet sodas,  but when we had lunch yesterday at KFC, they had diet Pepsi in a fountain drink, so after we finished with the tire, we drove back through town to get sodas.   It was 10 minutes till 11 and they didn’t open until 11 so we had to wait, but we finally got on the road at 11:07, headed to Thunder Bay.

We arrived in Thunder Bay without incident -- no sightings of any animals.  We still had the view of Lake Superior most of the time, as well as rivers, creeks, and water descending over the rocks along the highway.

Once we’ve seen a bear, we are on the lookout for anything that’s dark so we’ve been paying a lot of attention to dark, brown and black stumps. We looked hard at the area where we had seen the bears yesterday, but apparently they had moved on. But nearer Thunder Bay, the highway moose crossing signs have now changed to deer crossing signs, so I don't know if that means we are out of moose country.

 The campground here is really nice. The weather improved, the sun came out and it got up to 54°, probably the warmest day we’ve had in a couple weeks. It'a supposed to be a high of 65 in Thunder Bay today.  Our campsite here is right on the river, however there’s a wooden fence around this park and so we can barely catch a glimpse of it from the  RV..  None of these campgrounds have been busy. There is one camper in front of us, and a couple of what look like rentals beside us. I don’t know if they’re occupied or not.  They do have rentals available here, we saw a row of them as we drove in to the Registration Building.  There is more than one campground here so there may be more than we see.

We are both just tired, so we took it easy this afternoon.  I persuaded Joe to go out to dinner at the casino so I got to play for a couple hours.  I actually won a little -- not sure how much because I had to convert my U.S. dollars to Canadian dollars for the machines, but the casino won't convert them back.  

The food was ok.  Joe ordered a half-rib and he only got 3 ribs.  Seemed a little sparse.  I ordered fettuccini alfredo but I forgot to have them add the chicken, but it was really good.  The casino was non-smoking, which suprised me, since there are a  lot of smokers up here.  We got back to the campground around 8:00 p.m. and Joe drove around this park to check it out.  Not much going on right now.  They do reenactments of some battle, but I don't know if they have opened the season for that.  We will check that out tomorrow.  We are here for 3 nights, and we are 37 miles to the bridge into the U.S.  We haven't planned beyond here, except that we are tire shopping in Duluth.  Time to get the map out.

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