Wednesday, May 22, 2024

 May 22, 2024 - Wednesday

Terrace Bay, Ontario

We did have heavy rain and wind gusts last night, but the storm wasn't too bad.  I would love to know how much rain we got -- guess we need to carry a rain gauge.  It was cold all day today, I don't think it got out of the 40s.  We finally drug ourselves out of bed, loaded up the laundry and got that chore done this morning.  Oh -- here's an interesting tidbit.  At Tim Horton's Donut Shop, they are unable to make "crisp bacon,"  I have run into this twice already, once they did take it back but it didn't come back much crisper.  Today, the gal behind the counter said they were unable to do it, she had asked before but did go ask again.  Apparently, all the bacon is cooked in a vat in the morning, and that's it!  I really don't know how they fix their breakfast sandwiches -- surely they have a grill or a microwave.  But, there you have it.

After we got the laundry dealt with, we decided to make a drive ahead in the Jeep to Terrace Bay, about 60 miles north.  There are a couple of waterfalls there, and we didn't want to stop tomorrow.  When we got close to Lake Superior, it got very foggy.  It kind of came and went as we drove along.  

Our first stop was Neys Provincial Park.  It's about 20 miles up the road.  Parts of the forest here had really been cleaned out but we still didn't see any animals.

We never get tired of looking at Lake Superior.  The beach here was sandy, with big rocks.  

Joe made a new friend here.  They had a beautiful golden retriever named Sonny.  They are traveling from Ottowa to White Horse, and were having trouble getting their canoe tied down.  Joe and I had lunch here and then headed on to Terrace Bay.  We saw this couple parked at a pull-out but didn't stop.  But then we ran into them again on the boardwalk to Aguasabon  Falls in Terrace Bay.  Very nice people.

We got to Terrace Bay and drove on through town to the Falls.  

There was a really nice set of stairs and boardwalk down to the falls and the Gorge.  Even we were able to handle this.

The 100-foot falls were not very wide but there was a lot of force.  You can see the deep gorge going out from it.  There was a hydro electric plant upstream.



The big island on the right is Slate Islands Provincial Park which you can reach by sea kayak or charter boat.  Wildlife viewing includes woodland caribou.

Back in town and down to the beach is another, much smaller waterfall

This pool at the end of the falls looks like it would be a great place to play on a hot day -- which was NOT today.

We passed the golf course on the way to this beach.  Joe called this a "convertible Gator," which was not as cool as Mike Carter's Gator which has heat and air conditioning -- a must in Indiana.

We drove to the other end of this beach, which was beautiful.  Our mascot, Theo, wanted to see the beach here.  

Joe said Theo got scared here, though, so he rescued him.

We took a side road here and Joe made another friend, with another Golden Retriever, this one named Mazie!!  By the time we left him here, he had told Joe his name (Jim Jeffers) and invited us to stop by his house, which was nearby. He worked construction and worked on building the structure at the gold mine back in Marathon.  He educated us about moose -- right now they should be along rivers eating anything they can find.  In the summer, when the bugs get bad, they are out in the middle of the roads.  He told us a story about coming upon a pair of moose in the road, one in each lane, and too close for him to get between.  He got his truck shut down just before hitting them.  

Jim started walking back to his truck before we left, but we came upon him again.  This time, he gave us these "fiddle heads," that he had just picked and which he says are delicious.  Steam in butter, which a little salt and pepper.  They are actually ferns before they open up.  He said you can buy them in the grocery store but have been frozen so are not as good.  They are now in my refrigerator.
We got back to town in Terrace Bay and decided to have an early dinner there at the "Drifter" restaurant.  This lighthouse is right across the street.  This is a very cute town, has a strip of businesses on a street forming a half circle behind the lighthouse.

Somewhere along the line today, we saw this train, right on the shoreline of Lake Superior, on a very curvy track.  A unique sight.


We headed back to Marathon and our RV about 5:00, paying even more attention to river banks looking for wildlife.  Still with no success  We are moving on tomorrow.  We had a hard time finding an RV spot  -- places are just not open yet.  We wanted to go to Nipigon, but could not get any campground to answer the phone, so we have reservations at Rainbow Falls Provincial Park in Rossport, about 80 miles ahead.  And as I sign off of this at 11:00 p.m., it's raining again.

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