Thursday, May 16, 2024

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan

I am still struggling with my cough and had another sleepless night, but we have a new plan and hopefully I will see a difference in the next day or so. More medicine, more frequent dosing.  We have explored Sault Ste. Marie pretty thoroughly and took a last drive today.  An added bonus was that we drove along the shoreline of Lake Huron on the southeast end of this strip.  We stopped at the Cedarville Harbor and walked out on the dock.  There was a EZ Launch at the end of the dock for launching jet skis, canoes and kayaks.  We had never seen anything like this before, but it makes sense, especially if you don't want to get wet in cold Lake Huron.

We followed this road around Lake Huron for several miles.  I did not see the kind of rocky beaches I need, although there was plenty of rocks.  All of the Great Lakes are absolutely beautiful, our "inland oceans."  

We stopped at a pull-out and Joe stood beside one of the buoys to show how large the underwater part is.  Sort of like an iceberg -- what's underneath is much larger than the part above water.  We have seen a few of these as yard art in this area.

Here's the anchor our son, John, needs for his ocean-boating in Florida.  
As we continued on past the ferry to Drummond Island, where we had gone with Collins and Marilyn a few years ago, we caught a glimpse of another freighter, this one taking on a load from the quarry.  We did not see it once it was full, unfortunately.

 I finally spotted some wildlife, a big old turkey.  Joe slammed on the brakes, turned around,  turned around again, and the turkey was still there.  But he must have been camera shy because he started running when we stopped to take his picture Geese are everywhere..I don't know if this place is part of their migration or they live here year-round, but they are in about any open area, especially near the water.


We had plans to eat at the Cozy Corner, which we did.    Joe had their daily special, chicken wings, and I had ham and potato soup, and we shared a piece of really delicious strawberry lace cheesecake.  It was better than anything else we had eaten in Sault Ste. Marie.

We saw some sandhill cranes, and actually had a collision with one large bird, we don't know what kind.  Again, Joe slammed on the brakes, but it hit our side mirror -- the mirror survived, the bird did not.  Right after we got back to the campground, we had a little rain shower.  It was in the high 50s all day, cloudy and cool.  

We made reservations in Canada for the weekend in Wawa, and we will be pullling out tomorrow.  Marilyn informed me that this is a holiday weekend in Canada, so we felt fortunate to be able to get in where we think we want to be.  We booked 3 nights but may extend if there is a lot to see (and drive) in the area.  

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