Tuesday, June 20, 2017

6/20/2017 - On to Tulelake, California

Tuesday - After our late night drive last night, we opted for a late start this morning, so we left Canyondam around 10:00.  We got to drive the part of the lake that we only saw in the dark last night, it is a very pretty lake, we probably should have done more on it (like fishing).  We drove through Susanville, then headed north on scenic 139, up and down mountains and through forests.  We saw very pretty valleys, with green pastures dotted with cattle.

A deer crossed the road in front of Dave and Mazie, but Joe and I didn't see it.  We did spot 5 antelope, though, and that was a welcome sight.  I was texting with Jeff during our drive today as the temperature climbed in Arizona.  It was 105 at 10:00, and still climbing.  I think 118 was as high as he saw, but I believe the airport reported 120.  We were at a balmy 87 degrees when we got off the road at 2:30.  We only drove 188 miles today, but they were hard miles, so our drivers were ready to stop.

We selected a campground on the fairgrounds in Tulelake (elevation 4,035), about 5 miles from the Oregon border.  It's a really small town, population around 1100.  But the sites are full hook-up, on grass which is a nice change.  And we have phone service again.

There's some agriculture around here, in addition to hay.  We saw fields of potatoes and onions, lots of irrigation going on.

The Brundiges have had another setback.  They had hoped to get on the road tomorrow, but now they are having trouble with the refrigerator in their motorhome, so they aren't leaving until Thursday, because they have an appointment in Las Vegas on Friday to replace or repair the refrigerator.  Just one more thing for them to deal with.  Not sure when we will meet up with them, but we will be happy for them to get on the road, heading our way.

Our next  "destination" is Crater Lake, but we found out today that most of the roads in that Park are also closed due to snow, so we don't know how much we will get to see of it.  We are still in sight of snow-capped mountains.

Tomorrow we will check out the sights around Tulelake:  there is a national refuge, lava beds national monument, WWII Internment/Segregation Camp, and POW Camps used to provide workers to relieve the shortage of agricultural labor during WWII.  The POW Camp used barracks built by the CCCs.  That should keep us busy for a day.

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