Monday, July 19, 2021

Back at the froeschkes

7-18-2021 - Sunday

We were all glad to sleep in our own beds last night, and to be back home.  I finished my laundry, bridgette started hers, and went to costco and Publix, then with her dad's help, fixed her usual taco sunday dinner.  

Joe and John got started on their wiring project.  their biggest hurdle was getting to the ceiling, and they considered renting a long ladder, but finally figured out they could set his ladder on a table and reach as high as they needed.  so they got the wiring attached, now they just need to finish a few things and put on the recepticles.

the kids and I played rack-o, then painted some rocks I had picked up along the way.  I gave them a base coat of white paint yesterday, and we went through my rock box and found so more, so I repainted the ones we had worked on, and added in the new ones.  we just need some new markers that will show up better.

I ran out of John's white paint, and the only other can I saw was aqua, so I painted the back side of the last one that pretty aqua color.  

John sent me a picture he took of Andrew when they were fishing on the jetty.  He looks like a professional fisherman.

andrew spent a little cuddle-time on the couch with grandpa last night.  we will miss this.

Our days here are winding down.  they hope to finish the garage tomorrow (John goes back to work on tuesday).  we are planning on going over to the florida caverns when we leave here, for a couple days if we can get camping reservations somewhere. then we will head to tennessee and Indiana.

I sprayed my computer keys again, but my shift key is still sticking.  It seems to work on letters it knows should be capitalized, but not the ones mid-sentence.  I guess I will just keep spraying it.

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