Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Monday at the Froeschkes

 7-5-2021 - Monday

John has the day off today for the holiday, but Bridgette had to go in for a little bit because her grad students did some water sampling over the weekend. After a late breakfast, we all went to Bass Pro to pick up a few items for our upcoming fishing trip.  We discovered Joe's fix-it yesterday on the Jeep didn't work -- I had a wet floor on my side again this morning.  After a little more research, he has decided it has to be the air conditioner condensation dripping off the floor, so he bought a piece of hose to make the drip line a little longer.  We will see on our next trip out if that takes care of it.  There is so much humidity here that water pours out of it every time we stop.

After lunch (at Hooters) John and Bridgette took the kids back home -- they were still tired for last night's late night.  I got Joe to stop at one shop for me, then we joined them and got our nap in.  The predicted rain held off until about 6:00, but it did get here.

They had friends over in the evening -- Andrew's football coach Jeremy and his family.  Bridgette got in another tutoring lesson with their son Jace.

And the girls played War.

Jeremy was working with Andrew in the rain.  He said, "well, we play football in the rain."  

Andrew was doing a pretty good job catching Jeremy's throws.  We tried to get an action shot, but between the movement and the low light, the pictures all came out blurry.  But Andrew takes the coach serious, which is why Jeremy enjoys working with him.

Joe and I watched from the dryness of the garage.  We heard a noise, and saw that another spring on the RV had broken.  John said he always knew those things just sit out there and break, but he had never actually seen it happen.  

Before the football players came in, another spring broke.  I don't think they like the rainy weather here. Joe had just bought 2 boxes at Lazy Daze on Saturday, so he will have to use one box up before we even get back on the road.  We will obviously be making another trip over there to stock up on them again.

The company left and we watched the hockey game then.  Unfortunately, the Lightning lost, so there will be another game.  John always gets in a little time with his lap dogs every night.

We never got our shopping done, so that will be on tomorrow's agenda, although John did hook up the boat to the new truck to see how it towed, and made a stop at Walmart on that trip.  It looks like Elsa is going to go west of Tampa, so we should miss the brunt of that storm, although we will probably get some rain out of it (hopefully no tornadoes).  

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