Friday, July 2, 2021

Truck Shopping

 7-1-2021 and 7-2-2021 - Thursday and Friday

We have stayed pretty close to the house the last two days.  Joe and John made another trip to Lowe's, but finally finished the electricity box in the garage.  Bridgette said next year she is going to rent an Air B&B in Marathon (on the Keys) again, and not go to Indian River, because it was so much more relaxing.  She thought maybe for a month, and she could do a blog, and John could read about what she and the kids were doing since he wouldn't be able to take a month off work.  His statement of the day:  "Fishing, and reading about fishing, are not the same thing.  But sometimes the results are the same."  

We've got to watch the kids play.  Catalina spends a lot of time playing with her horses.  She was ponying one around the living room here, and Andrew got the gun and started shooting them. 

Then the dogs added to the chaos.

Joe and I went to Lowe's.  The Jeep was hot, and Theo wasn't very happy.  It gets pretty hot in there sitting in the sun when the windows are up, and since it rains every day, the windows have to stay up.

We went out to Beef O'Brady's for dinner, then went to a couple auto lots -- Bridgette is in the market for a new truck.  The salesman at the car lot couldn't find the keys to the truck.  And it was on the back row of the lot (no golf cart).  And it was raining, of course.  We thought she had found the right one, and came home to think about it overnight, since it was raining.  But when they went back this morning to look it over in daylight and no rain, John saw there was rust spots on it, and had found out it had come from New Jersey.  So they backed away from that one.

Today, after breakfast, Andrew had to go to the dentist again, to get a cap on his tooth.  That didn't seem to bother him too much. Joe and I went to Camping World and Lazy Daze to get some things for our RV, the rest of them went truck shopping when they got back from the dentist.  We caught up with them after lunch in Tampa but eventually we had enough so we went back to their house.  About an hour later, they called for us to bring them checks and John's computer, they had found one and were making a deal.  So off we went again.  We got the kids and took them to get some dinner on the way home, and then let them play outside until dark.  They were ready to get rid of some energy.  

They rode bikes and scooters, and Andrew played some basketball.

They had some scooter races.

Finally, we went in, got baths, and played Rack-O until the parents brought the new truck home.  By now it was 9:30, so it was really too dark to check it out.  We will look it over better tomorrow.

Everyone is tired.  Time to go to bed.  We are now officially on hurricane watch.

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