Monday, August 2, 2021

day 2 in vincennes

august 1, 2021 - sunday 

today was a busy day, starting with church at 10:00.  It was 62 degree when we got up,  a nice day all day.  after church, we went to Oaktown to drive through another campground.  again, we never saw a dump station and no one was around.  I guess I will try to call and check that out.  we did come upon a gaggle of geese by the pond there.

 then we went to dana's for lunch.  dana has moved back to this area from chattanooga since we were here last, so we got to see their new place -- very nice, out in the country.  but we drove by the first time, not sure if that was the right house, then turned around.  then we saw a snake on the road.  Yuk.  

but we found her house, and met the new addition -- buddy.  what a cutie!

Amber joined us for lunch, but when dana went to get buddy to show to amber, no one could find buddy.  we looked under everything, 3 times, then all around outside.  Michael was grilling, so everyone though he must have gotten out when Michael went outside.  amber got in her car and drove up and down the road looking for him, while we checked the yard and cornfield.  finally, we gave up and went in to our cold lunch.  dana assumed someone had driven by and just picked him up.  after we cleaned up lunch and while we were washing dishes, suddenly buddy wandered into the living room -- from somewhere.  we never did figure out where he had been hiding (sleeping), but we were sure glad he showed back up!  

we left here in time to get to the party at Mike and rachelle's -- clayton's 17th birthday party.  It was good to see the carport and yard filled with family -- seemed like old times.  I took several pictures of the party.

Jaclyn and her mom, Judy.
there was a corn hole game going on, as well as something, maybe pickleball, in the front yard.

and it wouldn't be the froeschke's unless there was a card game going on.
then tommy and Katie showed up, with grady roy of course.  tommy had to work but they came over as soon as he got home.  

then it was time for birthday cake and opening presents.  clayton raked in some $$$$.

The party continued on for some time, until a little after 10:00.  and a good time was had by all.

Maura starts kindergarten next week.

It was a good time, and it let us see most of the family at one time.  we had not met grady before, so we were happy to get to see him.  we have 2 more babies we haven't seen yet, one was just born friday!  the weather was nice, but the bugs finally started bothering us.  so we called it a night.

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