Monday, April 27, 2015

Arriving at the Doctors Froeschke in Brandon, FL (4-25-2015)

Our night on the Cracker Barrel parking lot was quiet and uneventful, and we woke up early to start our last day of travel.  After breakfast and fueling ($2.259), we were on the road by 8:30.  It rained most of the night but quit during breakfast, the continued to rain off and on most of the day until we got a ways into Florida.  When it finally cleared off, it was a balmy 86 degrees, and we changed out of our jeans into shorts at one of our potty stops at the Florida rest areas.  I will have to say Florida does the rest area very nicely, they are about every 40 miles or so, and are easy on and off.  By the late afternoon, we were hitting every one of them. 

We stopped for a break at the Tifton, Georgia exit and walked around Adcock Pecan shop, which we had seen billboards for miles advertising it.  Pecans were very pricey there, but they had a nice shop.  $17.06 for 24 ounces. 

We walked around there for a little while, fueled ($2.329) and I walked across the parking lot to Little Caesars Pizza for a to-go pizza.  Then it was back on the road. We crossed the Florida state line at 2:20, pedal to the metal.  Joe suggested I drive at some point, but I didn't take him up on it -- traffic had gotten a little heavier, there was wind, some rain off and on.  And I was tired too, so he toughed it out.   

We arrived at John and Bridgette's about 6:10 p.m., very happy to be there!  Joe honked our big air horn and they came running out.  Joe drove 518 miles today, from about 10 hours in the drivers seat!  We moved vehicles around, unhooked our car, and Joe backed the RV into their driveway.  We will let it set here for the next month, and we began moving into a bedroom in the house.  We went out to grab some supper since we missed it by an hour at their house, then settled in for the night.  Andrew started warming up to us, but wasn't ready to let go of his mommy just yet.

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