Sunday, April 19, 2015

Decker Chapel Alumni (April 18)

As soon as Joe and I got up Saturday, we headed to town for fuel (gas went up again, we paid $2.349), then to Princeton to McDonalds, then Walmart.  The house was still locked so we didn't even go in before we left.  I didn't find the exact same picture frame, or a piece of glass, but I did find one I liked so we got that job over with in short order. I forgot to take a picture of it, but I "recreated" one here -- just not the same frame.  The picture is of the Decker Chapel emblem from my sister's 1962 class jacket.

We got back to the house just as Mom was finishing breakfast, and Joe and Cathy came out to the RV to help me finish putting my auction picture together.  The Croxtons decided on a family picture, so we all adjourned to the front porch for picture taking.
And of course, we had to take a group picture.  Lori, Sonia and Ara left right after we concluded the picture-taking (about 12:15), and Jan and D.C. left a couple hours later.
We heated up the leftover coney sauce for some lunch for some of us, the others headed into town for tenderloins (guess who came up with that idea!).  The Alumni president had suggested that someone from our class say a few words at the meeting, and since I couldn't talk Barbara into it, I had to go work on a short speech.  Then it was time to get ready and head back to Decker Chapel.

We did manage to take a group picture of our classmates here, with the exception of Sandy Deckard who left before the dinner.  But we had 4 others from the 1965 class, Anne Robinson, Barbara Seitzinger, Mike Horrall and myself.
 Barbara is always trying to get close to Mike Horrall (last year she cut me out of the picture we took of the three of us), so I tried to push her out of our little group picture.  In front of the "50" is a memorial candle she brought in honor of Donnie Woodward, who never actually attended Decker Chapel but moved into a house right past the school the summer we consolidated with Decker.

Although Joe didn't ever attend Decker Chapel, there were 3 of his classmates there who had, Mike Carter, Ken Snider and Danny McCrary.  Barbara and Anne joined old boyfriend Danny for a picture.

We had a good time visiting with people we don't see very often, some we hadn't seen for more than 50 years.  Joe Myers did a retrofit of the word "Chapel" on our Decker Aces sign from last week's reunion, so we used it as a table decoration.  And my auction piece went for $100!!


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