Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Monday, April 13

These days are all beginning to blur together, and I got several days behind on my blog.  Although we've had some cloudy days, and a few raindrops occasionally, we have actually had some pretty nice days lately.  One night we had storm warnings all night long, and our old RV rocked and rolled, but I don't even remember which night that was now.

My agenda on Monday was to take my class jacket back to Monroe City.  We have a new camera on order, so we drove down to Mike and Rachelle's to see if they had gotten their UPS delivery yet, which they had not, so we set off through the country to Monroe.  I returned the jacket, then we stopped for gas in Monroe ($2.269).  We drove across the river looking for a campground that listed an RV dump but we never did find it.  We did drive to Russellville, Illinois, the first time I had ever been in that little town.  And we found Lake Lawrence and drove around it.  Just out for an adventure.

We stopped in Walmart to pick up a few things, as usual, and Dixie kept texting me with more grocery items.  I printed my pictures from the Reunion, so that took me a little while, but they weren't going to be ready for an hour, so we didn't wait for them.  We had plans to have dinner with Jim, Dixie, Mike and Rachelle at Applebee's, which is right across the street, so I knew I would be back in here later today anyhow.

Dinner at Applebee's was good, and it was nice to visit with Mike and Rachelle by ourselves.  We stopped at a gas station on our way home to get a bag of ice and ran into two of Joe's cousins there.  Lots of relatives around here.  When we got back home, we decided to play 5-handed euchre for a while, so that was a good end to our evening.

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